Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Survivor Now Available

Amiga Survivor Now Available

The very first issue of Amiga Survivor, an Amiga games only magazine is available, for all those who have made calls for an Amiga games only magazine, it's now time to pay up and get your issue. It's important for Amiga Survivor to be a success and it's an significant stepping stone in the growth of the Amiga Games Market. I hope therefore that readers of Amiga Flame will show their support for Amiga Survivor by buying their latest issue.

Amiga Survivor's first issue features a Genetic Species Review, Two views of The World of Amiga Show, AI's Amiga Theme Reviewed, Aminet Ramblings (a monthly dig into the recent Aminet postings), Trashcan (Software to be avoided!), Legendary Title, Magnetic Fiction (A collection of short stories from Andy Campbell), The Fifth Column (a general rant about the world of computers), Loads of Gaming News, Loads of Previews of forthcoming Amiga games, Plenty of Reviews of Freeware, Licenceware and Shareware titles, and more.

They also have a Website of the Month with Amiga Flame topping this month commenting Amiga Flame as being "the prime source for Amiga gaming news" and said the work done shows "sheer dedication to the gaming world of the Amiga community". Thanks to Robert Iveson for the nice comments but it isn't going to help you when I do a full review of Amiga Survivor.

Amiga Survivor is Mail-Order only initially as News stand publication is a little on the expensive side but it may hit the news stands in Germany in the near future. It is an A5 mag, black and white with hopefully a colour cover including around 40+ pages every month. I know that for a long time many Amiga Gamers have wanted a Amiga Games only Publication, Amiga Survivor provides this but it needs our input and support, so we must buy an issue. This is a great opportunity and we can't let it go.

You can e-mail Robert Iveson, the Editor & Writer with your ideas and support to:-


To order your copy of Amiga Survivor, send a cheque or postal order of �2.95 UK Pounds, made payable to 'Robert Iveson' sending it to:-

Amiga Survivor,
41 Wellstone Garth,
West Yorks,
LS13 4EJ.

Visit their web site at :-

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E-mail - philip @

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